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After School Tutoring

A Safe and Secure place where students can receive academic support and will help students focus on setting higher educational aspirations.

Goals and Objectives

After School

           The Tutoring/After School Program strengthens student engagement, improves the academic achievement of students in the community and helps focus students on setting and achieving higher educational aspirations after high school. The program also provides a safe, positive and fun place for students and parents to experience love and to gain support for their educational and social needs in an environment that respects their values and cultural background. Lastly, the program provides experiences that improve self-esteem, a sense of belonging and, where applicable, breaks the cycle of generational poverty in families.


           All children need to be in a safe, secure environment and to have acceptance by peers and staff. No two children are the same. Children develop socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively at different rates. They also possess unique personalities and dispositions. This program supports, encourages, and respects each participant by focusing on the Tutoring and Mentoring needs of the children. 


           Let It S.L.I.D.E. lets parents know that this program is here to help and support their efforts as parents. As relationships with parents are developed, and parental involvement increases, the program becomes more successful, and has a more profound effect in the lives of the community.

Program Tutors and Volunteers:



           The Program tutors are responsible for helping students to understand different subjects. They assess, assist and encourage the students in the learning process. These professionals also review materials used in classes, explain various topics, and answers all the doubts and questions of the student regarding the particular topic. 


           The Tutoring/After School Program supplements paid staff with volunteers, and others that are available in the community. 

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